Eine florentinische Tragödie / Gianni Schicchi
2024/2025 SEASON
- Eine florentinische Tragödie
Music by Alexander Zemlinsky
Opera in 1 Act
Sung in German with English and Japanese surtitles
- Gianni Schicchi
Music by Giacomo Puccini
Opera in 1 Act
Sung in Italian with English and Japanese surtitles
2 Feb - 8 Feb, 2025 ( 4 Performances )
Running time is approx. 2 hours and 20 mins including an interval.
Booking Opens: Sat, 7 Dec 2024, 10:00am
Eine florentinische Tragödie is Zemlinsky's famous masterpiece known for its aesthetic and rich music. Based on the standard bearer of decadent literature Oscar Wilde's play, this work depicts the strange tragedy of a love story unfolding between a couple and the wife's lover. Discovered by Mahler, Zemlinsky was a composer working in Vienna at the turn of the century. The rich prelude and final sensual duet let the audience enjoy the distinctly rich colours of late Romanticism. Meanwhile, Gianni Schicchi revolves around an inheritance dispute between greedy members of an affluent family and a young couple in love, portrayed at a good tempo by this one-act opera written by Puccini in his final years. A comedy makes a great finish with Il trittico. Lauretta's aria, "O mio babbino caro", is a popular song that is often sung in concerts as a piece for soprano, and has been featured in television commercials.
Eine florentinische Tragödie brings together a phenomenal cast including Thomas Johannes Mayer, a wildly popular star baritone known for his lustrous voice and depth of expression, David Pomeroy, a tenor renowned for his powerful and brilliant voice, and Nancy Weissbach, a soprano notable for the role of Brünnhilde with a brilliant, strong voice and powerful expression. Talented Italian baritone Pietro Spagnoli shines in the title role of Gianni Schicchi. On the podium will be Numajiri Ryusuke who also conducted the premiere.
"Eine florentinische Tragödie"
When wealthy cloth merchant Simone arrives home early from a business trip, he finds his wife Bianca in the company of Guido Bardi, a Florentine prince. Simone pretends to believe that Guido has come to buy his merchandise and offers him the most expensive cloths, but Guido then asks to buy Bianca. Despite the provocation, Simone hosts a dinner but he strongly suspects the relationship between Bianca and the prince and leaves the room. Guido gives Bianca a long kiss and she declares her love. As Guido takes his leave, Simone challenges him to a duel and in the struggle he strangles Guido to death. Discovering how strong her husband really is, Bianca finds renewed love and they embrace over Guido's dead body.
"Gianni Schicchi"
The wealthy aristocrat Buoso Donati has just died and his relatives have gathered in mourning - but in fact they are only concerned about his will. Rinuccio finds it, but will not hand it over until his Aunt Zita agrees that he may marry Lauretta, the daughter of Gianni Schicchi. When the relatives read the will, they discover that the deceased has left his fortune to the monastery. Hoping to forge a will, they turn to the shrewd Gianni Schicchi for help. At first he refuses but is persuaded by Lauretta who wants to marry Rinuccio ("O mio babbino caro"). He devises a plan to impersonate the dead man and dictate a new will. But when the notary comes, he leaves the greater part of the fortune to himself. The relatives are furious but helpless. At the end he addresses the audience, begging them not to judge him too harshly.
Conductor: NUMAJIRI Ryusuke
Production: AGUNI Jun
Set Design: YOKOTA Atsumi
Costume Design: MASUDA Emi
Lighting Design: OSHIMA Masao
- Eine florentinische Tragödie
Guido Bardi: David POMEROY
Simone: Thomas Johannes MAYER
Bianca: Nancy WEISSBACH
- Gianni Schicchi
Gianni Schicchi: Pietro SPAGNOLI
Lauretta: SUNADA Airi
Zita: YODA Asako
Rinuccio: MURAKAMI Kota
Gherardo: AOCHI Hideyuki
(On Feburary 2 and 4, TAKABATAKE Shingo takes on this role.)
Nella: HARIU Michiko
(On Feburary 2 and 4, SUNAMI Yuki takes on this role.)
Gherardino: AMINAGA Yuri
Betto di Signa: SHIMURA Fumihiko
Simone: KONO Teppei
Marco: YOSHIKAWA Kenichi
(On Feburary 2 and 4, KOBAYASHI Hiromichi takes on this role.)
La Ciesca: NAKAJIMA Ikuko
Maestro Spinelloccio: HATAKEYAMA Shigeru
Ser Amantio di Nicolao: SHIMIZU Hiroki
Pinellino: OKUBO Atsushi
Guccio: MIZUNO Yu
Orchestra: Tokyo Symphony Orchestra
ProductioAGUNI Jun
Guido Bardi
SimoneThomas Johannes MAYER
Gianni SchicchiPietro SPAGNOLI
LaurettaSUNADA Airi
ZitaYODA Asako
RinuccioMURAKAMI Kota
Booking Opens: Sat, 7 Dec 2024, 10:00am
Booking Z seats (Day tickets) 1,650 yen
- You are able to purchase Z seat tickets online from 10:00 am. Click "BUY TICKETS" next to "Z" under each performance information.
- There is a handling charge of ¥330 (incl. tax).
- Only when seats allocated as Z seats are still available at 11:00 am, you are able to purchase these tickets at the Box Office of the theatre.
- Note that all Z seats are on a first come, first served basis and will come with restricted views.
Concession Prices
Under 15s discounts and Z seats (Day Tickets) are available online. Other types of discount tickets are not available online. Please inquire at the Box Office or by telephone.
Please Note
- Latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium unless there is a suitable break or interval.
- For Seat D of Opera performances, maximum of 2 tickets per person on the first day of ticket sale.
- No admittance to pre-school children. Each child older than this age requires a ticket for entry, even when accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Tickets may not be changed or refunded except in the case of a cancelled performance.
- A special discount price is available for disabled guests. Please inquire at the Box Office for details.
- Users of wheelchairs are requested to contact the Box Office.
- Please note that cast or programme change may be required depending on the situation.