That's why it int the post_notification.php * * function post_notification_febody() * Returns the Body as a string * Can be used by a template -> That's why it int the post_notification.php * * function post_notification_fe($class = 'entry') * Outputs: *


* output *
* * function post_notification_page_content() * Returns a array with 'header' and 'body' entries. * */ function post_notification_fe($class = 'entry'){ global $wpdb; $content = post_notification_page_content(); echo '

' . $content['header'] . '

' . $content['body'] . '
'; } function post_notification_check_captcha(){ if(get_option('post_notification_captcha') == 0) return true; if($_POST['captchacode'] == '') return false; if($_POST['captcha'] == '') return false; require_once( POST_NOTIFICATION_PATH . 'class.captcha.php' ); $my_captcha = new captcha($_POST['captchacode'], POST_NOTIFICATION_PATH . '_temp'); return $my_captcha->verify( $_POST['captcha']); } /** * This creates the content */ function post_notification_page_content(){ global $post_notification_page_content_glob, $wpdb; if($post_notification_page_content_glob) return $post_notification_page_content_glob; //It doesn't matter where this goes: $content = & $post_notification_page_content_glob; $content = array(); $content['header'] = ''; $content['body'] = ''; // ******************************************************** // // GET VARIABLES FROM URL // ******************************************************** // $action = $_GET['action']; $addr = $wpdb->escape($_GET['addr']); $code = $wpdb->escape($_GET['code']); if ($_POST['addr'] != '') { $action = $_POST['action']; $addr = $wpdb->escape($_POST['addr']); $code = $wpdb->escape($_POST['code']); $pn_cats = $_POST['pn_cats']; //Security is handled in the function. } $msg = &$content['body']; // ******************************************************** // // DEFINE OTHER VARS NEEDED // ******************************************************** // require(post_notification_get_profile_dir(). '/strings.php'); $t_emails = $wpdb->prefix . 'post_notification_emails'; $t_cats = $wpdb->prefix . 'post_notification_cats'; $from_email = get_option('post_notification_from_email'); $pnurl = post_notification_get_link(); if(get_option('post_notification_hdr_nl') == "rn") $hdr_nl = "\r\n"; else $hdr_nl = "\n"; $blogname = get_option('blogname'); // ******************************************************** // // Code Check // ******************************************************** // //This code is not very nice in performance, but I wanted to keep it as easy to understand as possible. It's not called that often. if(($code != '') && $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM $t_emails WHERE email_addr = '$addr' AND act_code = '" . $code . "'")){ // ******************************************************** // // WITH AUTH // ******************************************************** // if(1 != $wpdb->get_var("SELECT gets_mail FROM $t_emails WHERE email_addr = '$addr'")){ //The user just subscribed, so let's set him up $now = post_notification_date2mysql(); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $t_emails SET gets_mail = 1, date_subscribed = '$now' WHERE email_addr = '$addr'"); $mailid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM $t_emails WHERE email_addr = '$addr'"); $selected_cats = explode(',', get_option('post_notification_selected_cats')); $queryCats = ''; if (! empty($selected_cats)) { $queryCats = ""; foreach ($selected_cats as $category) { if(is_numeric($category)) $queryCats .= ", ($mailid, $category)"; } if(strlen($queryCats) > 0) $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $t_cats (id, cat_id) VALUES" . substr($queryCats, 1)); } if(isset($post_notification_strings['welcome'])){ $msg = '

' . str_replace('@@blogname' , get_option(blogname), $post_notification_strings['welcome']). '

'; } else { $msg = '

' . $post_notification_strings['saved'] . '

'; } } // ******************************************************** // // Select Cats // ******************************************************** // if ($action == "subscribe") { $wpdb->query("UPDATE $t_emails SET gets_mail = 1 WHERE email_addr = '$addr'"); $mid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM $t_emails WHERE email_addr = '$addr'"); if(get_option('post_notification_show_cats') == 'yes'){ //Delete all entries $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $t_cats WHERE id = $mid"); if(!is_array($pn_cats)) $pn_cats = array(); //Just to make shure it doesn't crash //Let's see what cats we have $queryCats = ''; foreach($pn_cats as $cat){ if(is_numeric($cat)) $queryCats .= ", ($mid, $cat)";//Security } if(strlen($queryCats) > 0) $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $t_cats (id, cat_id) VALUES" . substr($queryCats, 1)); } $msg .= '

' . $post_notification_strings['saved'] . '

'; } // ******************************************************** // // UNSUBSCRIBE // ******************************************************** // if ($action == "unsubscribe" AND is_email($addr)) { $mid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM $t_emails WHERE email_addr = '$addr'"); if($mid != ''){ $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $t_emails WHERE id = $mid"); $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $t_cats WHERE id = $mid"); } $content['header'] = $post_notification_strings['deaktivated']; $msg = str_replace(array('@@addr', '@@blogname'), array($addr, $blogname), $post_notification_strings['no_longer_activated']); return $content; } // ********************************************************// // Subscribe-page // ********************************************************// $content['header'] = get_option('post_notification_page_name'); $id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM $t_emails WHERE email_addr = '$addr'"); if(get_option('post_notification_show_cats') == 'yes'){ $subcats_db = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_id FROM $t_cats WHERE id = $id"); $subcats = array(); if(isset($subcats_db)){ foreach($subcats_db as $subcat){ $subcats[] = $subcat->cat_id; } } // Get cats listing $cats_str = post_notification_get_catselect($post_notification_strings['all'], $subcats); } else { $cats_str = ''; } $vars = ''; if($action == "subscribe" && get_option('post_notification_saved_tmpl') == 'yes'){ $msg = post_notification_ldfile('saved.tmpl'); } else { $msg .= post_notification_ldfile('select.tmpl'); } $msg = str_replace('@@action',post_notification_get_link(),$msg); $msg = str_replace('@@addr',$addr,$msg); $msg = str_replace('@@cats',$cats_str,$msg); $msg = str_replace('@@vars',$vars,$msg); } else { // ******************************************************** // // WITHOUT AUTH // ******************************************************** // $code = ''; if(is_email($addr) && post_notification_check_captcha()){ // ******************************************************** // // SUBSCRIBE // ******************************************************** // if ($action == "subscribe" || $action == '') { $conf_url = post_notification_get_mailurl($addr); // Build mail $mailmsg = post_notification_ldfile('confirm.tmpl'); $mailmsg = str_replace('@@addr',$addr,$mailmsg); $mailmsg = str_replace('@@conf_url',$conf_url,$mailmsg); wp_mail($addr, "$blogname - " . get_option('post_notification_page_name'), $mailmsg, post_notification_header()); //Output Page $content['header'] = $post_notification_strings['registration_successful']; $msg = post_notification_ldfile('reg_success.tmpl'); return $content; //here it ends - We don't want to show the selection screen. } // ******************************************************** // // UNSUBSCRIBE // ******************************************************** // if ($action == "unsubscribe") { if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT email_addr FROM $t_emails WHERE email_addr = '$addr'")){ //There is a mail in the db $conf_url = post_notification_get_mailurl($addr); $conf_url .= "action=unsubscribe"; $mailmsg = post_notification_ldfile('unsubscribe.tmpl'); $mailmsg = str_replace(array('@@addr','@@conf_url'), array($addr, $conf_url), $mailmsg); wp_mail($addr, "$blogname - " . $post_notification_strings['deaktivated'], $mailmsg, post_notification_header()); } $content['header'] = $post_notification_strings['deaktivated']; $msg = str_replace(array('@@addr', '@@blogname'), array($addr, $blogname), $post_notification_strings['unsubscribe_mail']); return $content; //here it ends - We don't want to show the selection screen. } } if($addr != ''){ if(!is_email($addr)) $msg .= '

' . $post_notification_strings['check_email'] . '

'; if(!post_notification_check_captcha() && action != '') $msg .= '

' . $post_notification_strings['wrong_captcha'] . '

'; } //Try to get the email addr if($addr == ''){ $addr = post_notification_get_addr(); } $content['header'] = get_option('post_notification_page_name'); $msg .= post_notification_ldfile('subscribe.tmpl'); $msg = str_replace('@@action',post_notification_get_link($addr),$msg); $msg = str_replace('@@addr',$addr,$msg); $msg = str_replace('@@cats','',$msg); $msg = str_replace('@@vars',$vars,$msg); //Do Captcha-Stuff if(get_option('post_notification_captcha') == 0){ $msg = preg_replace('/(.*?)/is', '', $msg); //remove captcha } else { require_once( POST_NOTIFICATION_PATH . 'class.captcha.php' ); $captcha_code = md5(round(rand(0,40000))); $my_captcha = new captcha($captcha_code, POST_NOTIFICATION_PATH . '_temp'); $captchaimg = POST_NOTIFICATION_PATH_URL . '_temp/cap_' . $my_captcha->get_pic(get_option('post_notification_captcha')) . '.jpg'; $msg = str_replace('@@captchaimg',$captchaimg,$msg); $msg = str_replace('@@captchacode',$captcha_code,$msg); } } return $content; } function post_notification_filter_content($content){ if(strpos($content, '@@post_notification_')!== false){ //Just looking for the start $fe = post_notification_page_content(); $content = str_replace('@@post_notification_header', $fe['header'], $content); $content = str_replace('@@post_notification_body', $fe['body'], $content); } return $content; } ?>