Yamazaki Seisuke, an unparalleled theatrical talent who has fans nationwide for his earnest drama productions and direction full of playful spirit while having an extraordinarily brilliant presence as an actor, has worked on the “Shakespeare for Children” series, which allows both children and adults to enjoy the Bard’s plays.In this production, he will stage Twelfth Night for the NNTT.It is a story of unrequited love involving the heroine, who was cast up on the shore of a town by a storm and lives there wearing men’s clothes, and the duke who rules the town, and a beautiful daughter of a count.Unrequited love, misunderstandings, mischievous pranks and other factors cause confusion; and also the heroine’s twin brother, from whom she has been separated by the storm, appears…Yamazaki will restructure the very active, merry characters and storyline of this crowning comedy from Shakespeare’s middle period.The result will be an attractive work that fires the imagination of the viewers. |