I was hooked into the world of opera while I was studying abroad
in Vienna. I went and saw over 180 performances a year at theatres
like the “Staatsoper” and “Volksoper.” Everything came
as a cultural shock to me; how deeply opera is integrated into
the citizens’ lives, the wide breadth of their repertoire,
and the astounding proficiency of the orchestras. I was in the
standing room almost every night, but among all, the most awe
inspiring performance was the “Der Ring des Nibelungen”
conducted by Holst Stein.
However, I also had the misfortune of being denied observing one of their practices.
When I mentioned that “I know Mr. Stein from Japan,” I was told, “But it is
just impossible. There will be no practices. It will be performed without
rehearsal.” That left me in utter amazement. On top of it, the actual
performance was just spectacular.
The New National Theatre, Tokyo has had a very fruitful first 10 years.
However, I wish that this theatre will shape its wonderful history and become
an oasis for the artistic community as 50 or 100 more years pass by.
Though my ability is limited, I will make my best effort to make plans with
affection from the bottom of my heart.
Your opinions are always welcomed.
We look forward to having a wonderful season with you.