Looking forward to directing “A Florentine Tragedy / Gianni Schicchi”AGUNI Jun Opera Director

I’m AGUNI Jun. Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the New National Theatre, Tokyo.
【Memories of working as Assistant Director of “Aida” in the Opening Series】
It really was hard work for everyone involved, to present an opera directed by the great maestro Franco ZEFFIRELLI so soon after the theatre had opened. My most lasting memory is something ZEFFIRELLI said; “Stage set and costumes can be taken to other theatres, but this production of “Aida” could only be done here. The high level of respect towards the work on stage shown by everyone involved in this production would probably not be found elsewhere.”
【Particularly lasting impressions】
Of the operas I have directed, “La Bohème” is particularly memorable. I am proud to have created this production from scratch for the New National Theatre, using top artists from both Japan and overseas. I’m happy that it is still being presented as part of the repertoire. I’ve also found out that international artists have the same sense of professionalism, whatever their nationality. I think it’s very important to be able to know this close at hand.
【Looking forward to directing “A Florentine Tragedy / Gianni Schicchi” in 2019】
I am looking forward to be able to create new productions at the New National Theatre again in 2019. Although these two operas are completely different, the setting of both these operas is in Florence, and both themes are about human desires. I would like the audience to enjoy the “human” aspects of these works.
【Teaching at the NNT Opera Studio】
The aim is to let the students be able to work in an “international” arena, but my personal view is that all artists must conquer “national” before they become “international”. They must be fully aware of their own country’s culture which is engraved in their DNA. I want our students to have a thorough understanding of Japanese culture and identity before they start to look outwards.
【What is Opera】
We have to tackle a huge venue without microphones, just using our own voices, even while battling against subtle differences of our physical condition every day. When we talk about opera, the names of composers like Puccini or Verdi are well known, but all composers were in partner with their strong counterpart librettist. Operas are not only to be heard; they also contain drama. So the role of the director of an opera is to make sure the singers would express drama written into the music.