Looking forward to “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”YONEZAWA Yui & IZAWA Shun Principal Dancers of the National Ballet of Japan

Yonezawa & Izawa) Hello, I’m YONEZAWA Yui. I’m IZAWA Shun. Thank you for supporting us.
【What we like about the New National Theatre】
Izawa) It’s Japan’s only national theatre for ballet, it has a wonderful atmosphere, and the dancers and staff are all really great to work with.

Yonezawa) I love this theatre. Looking at the sight of the Opera House across the Pond, especially at night, always takes my breath away.
【Memorable productions】
Izawa) When performing as Johann in “La Chauve-Souris”, that was the first time I understood the attraction of acting. I had previously enjoyed dancing, but by performing a character totally different from my own, I found out the joy of acting.

Yonezawa) I learned some important lesson when I first danced in “Swan Lake” and “Romeo and Juliet”. After each performance of “Romeo and Juliet”, I felt as if I had somehow returned to reality from totally another world that I just felt stunned for some time. Even now I can’t put it properly into words, but for me it was an intensely powerful production.
【What we are looking forward to in 2018】
Izawa) I’m really looking forward to be performing in the “Swan Lake” for the first time. As a very well-known classic, my challenge is how to become a true prince. Also, although it will be my second time to perform in “The Tales of Hoffmann”, I would like to overcome the issues I had last time; both physically and technically.

Yonezawa) I’m looking forward to “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” which I will perform at the start of next season. The choreographer Christopher Wheeldon is a person who conveys very clear message of how he wants us to dance. I only had a very brief moment with him so far but he has already inspired me and made me want to dance in his production. I saw the production by the Royal Ballet when they toured it to Tokyo. It was gorgeous and enjoyable, and I am very much looking forward to be in our production.