I'm hoping to give my best,
so that "Rocco" may even become my signature roleTSUMAYA Hidekazu Bass Singer

I’m TSUMAYA Hidekazu. Congratulations to the New National Theatre, Tokyo, on your 20th anniversary!
【Number of appearances at the New National Theatre】
I have appeared 233 times in 30 or 31 different roles, I think. I am very grateful that I have been offered to play so many roles. The New National Theatre is a very important theatre for me; it feels like a “home” for me. I like to think of myself as the “Haussänger (House singer) of the New National Theatre”.
【Memorable performance】
Playing Ramfis in “Aida” in the opening season, directed by the great maestro Franco ZEFFIRELLI; every day from the start of rehearsals to the final performance was like a dream. Also, there was “Manon Lescaut”, which was cancelled because of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. I felt sad, shocked and powerless and it was a time I even started to question myself about the meaning of being a singer. It was finally staged in 2015 with more or less the same cast and staff, and I clearly remember the overwhelming happiness of the opening night.
【Looking forward to the 20th anniversary production of “Fidelio”】
People have often said the part of Rocco would really suit me, but I’ve never had the chance to sing the role until now. So I am very happy to have given the opportunity. I’m hoping to give my best, so that “Rocco” may even become my signature role.
【The attraction of opera】
More than anything, it’s the sense of live performance. Voices and music travel from the stage to the auditorium, and the audience can simultaneously hear, see, and feel all those things there and then. The performers on stage and the audience unite to form a unique space, but the interesting thing is that it’s different every time. Also, the fact that people can share the same emotions, even when performed in different languages, is what makes opera very special.