The New National Theatre is a special place for meNAKAMURA Eri Soprano Singer

I am a soprano singer, NAKAMURA Eri. Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the New National Theatre.
【What I learned at the Opera Studio】
Where I come from, before entering the Opera Studio, I have never seen or met anyone from overseas, so it was a huge culture shock from the day of the audition when teachers from overseas were among the judges at the audition of the Opera Studio. I also realized how important it was to learn foreign languages in order to study opera. At the Studio, I was very fortunate to learn the various skills needed to become an opera singer, including the psychology of what it means to be on stage, as well as stage craft, acting and even Japanese traditional dance.
【NNTT debut in “The Marriage of Figaro”】
I think “The Marriage of Figaro” was the first opera overseen by Thomas NOVOHRADSKY after his appointment as Artistic Director. When I first saw a real European-style rehearsal, I was overwhelmed by how creative the whole process was. With so much new knowledge and information, including ideas for acting, communication, and the way rehearsals were conducted, it was definitely a production that gave me so much inspiration.
【Memorable performances】
The very first big role I was given at the New National Theatre was Ilia in Mozart’s “Idomeneo”. Thanks to the support I received from the rest of the cast, the whole experience felt like a dream. Others I remember particularly well are Thomas NOVOHRADSKY’s last production “Falstaff” and my debut in “The Marriage of Figaro”.
【What the New National Theatre means to me】
I appeared in “The Marriage of Figaro” this April after a gap of ten years. As I had been away for ten years, I meant to treat it as a new experience, but the theatre staff all welcomed me back so very warmly and I was very happy when the rehearsal went much better than I had anticipated. Theatres in London and Germany are now my home, but after all, I think the New National Theatre is a special place for me.