I’m always happy when I can experience
how the audience receives the emotion through my voiceRicarda MERBETH German Soprano

Hello, I’m Ricarda MERBETH. My sincere congratulations on the 20th anniversary.
【Impressions on my NNTT debut in 2006】
In 2006, everything was new for me. I was very impressed by the beautiful architecture of the theatre and the acoustics on the wonderful stage, and I approached everything with a sense of gratitude.
【Changes in repertoire over the last 12 years】
My repertoire in around 2006 consisted mainly of Mozart next to Wagner. As for Mozart, I was singing the Contessa in “The Marriage of Figaro” and Donna Anna in “Don Giovanni”, but as the offer to sing these roles gradually decreased, more roles in works by Wagner and Richard Strauss increased. So my repertoire was moving more in the direction of Ariadne (in “Ariadne auf Naxos”), Chrysothemis (in “Elektra”), The Empress (in “The Woman without a Shadow”), Helena (in “The Egyptian Helen”) and Die Feldmarschallin (in “Der Rosenkavalier”), as well as roles in “Fidelio” and “Wozzeck”. Then there will be “Turandot” and “Elektra” this season.
【Looking ahead to “Fidelio” and “Der Rosenkavalier” in the 20th anniversary season】
My feeling is one of gratitude, and a great sense of honour to be asked to perform for the 20th anniversary of this wonderful theatre. New productions are always something quite special, and I’m really looking forward to working with Maestro IIMORI, and Katharina WAGNER. And Stephen GOULD, playing Florestan, as we were together in “Siegfried”. So I’m full of anticipation.
【What’s attractive about opera】
It’s the way emotion is conveyed to the audience through the human voice. This is what audiences love, and I’m always happy when I can experience how the audience receives that emotion.