A play only comes alive when an audience is thereSUZUKI Anne Actor

TI’m SUZUKI Anne. Congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of the New National Theatre, Tokyo!
【My first encounter with the New National Theatre】
When I was 11 or 12 years old, I remember coming to see “The Good Person of Setzuan” at the Playhouse. As it was directed by KUSHIDA Kazuyoshi, I remember seeing the performers parade through the lobby. Actually, it was around the time I had only just started watching plays when I first came to the New National Theatre as a child.
【Performing at the New National Theatre】
It requires hard work with any play, because I’m challenging something new each time, but every time I perform at the New National Theatre, it seems even more daunting. For example, “Head of Mary” was a solid Japanese drama that we don’t often come across, while “Constellations" was being performed in Japan for the first time, and was a play with a very difficult structure. The same could be said of “The Crucible” or “The Trojan War Will Not Take Place”. The theatre gives me the chance to approach a slightly different type of drama compared to other venues, and I see this as a great opportunity to challenge a higher goal.
【The relationship between the stage and the audience】
In the production of “Head of Mary” which was on this May, we put on a full-scale dress rehearsal only for staff and crew. Compared to that, the opening night in front of a real audience was so much more exhilarating! I was amazed at how different it felt when the audience brought their own energy onto the stage. It made me realize that a play only comes alive when an audience is there.
【The attraction of drama and the role of the theatre】
I first saw a stage production when I was 11 or 12. Even as a child, I was so moved by being able to hear the voices of the actors who performed before my very eyes, being able to feel so much passion right in front of me. This is like an unforgettable childhood memory for me. Now, whether I’m performing or watching a play, I see drama as a sincere confrontation between one person and another. It is drama that keeps us aware of the depth of these human aspects, and it is the theatre that makes it all possible.