Drama is created by words and they are those words
that touch people's heartMITA Kazuyo Actor

My name is MITA Kazuyo. Congratulations to the New National Theatre on the 20th anniversary.
【My encounter with the New National Theatre】
Having been for a long time a close friend of the late Ms. WATANABE Hiroko (Artistic Director of Drama of the Opening Series), I have worked with her on many plays. I think that is why I was invited to be in the cast for the opening play at the New National Theatre.
【About the Opening Play “Kamiyacho Sakura Hotel"】
Her wish to open the new theatre with newly commissioned work written by a Japanese playwright, Ms. WATANABE Hiroko decided to put on INOUE Hisashi's "Kamiyacho Sakura Hotel". However, the script was not finished even when the rehearsal had started, so there was a point we couldn’t go on rehearsing for some time. I played the role of an actress in the play. Although my role in the script was not quite finished at the time, I had a very interesting part and one day, I was rehearsing by myself trying to develop this character. That was when I noticed INOUE’s gaze from the corner of the rehearsal room. He was watching me with a smile and folded arms. I cannot forget that mischievous look on his face as he watched me rehearse, wondering if I’m up for the role. It was an unforgettable moment; a very intimate moment in a large rehearsal room I have secretly shared with INOUE; my most favourite Japanese playwright of all time.
【The Most Memorable Work of My Career】
The most memorable role I have worked on is Eugene O'NEILL's "A Long Day's Journey into Night" directed by KURIYAMA Tamiya. I was around 55-years-old at the time. That was the very best play I have performed in so far, after having been an actress for 50 years to date. "A Long Day's Journey into Night" is about a couple and their two sons, featuring one day in their lives, from morning until night. I played the role of the mother, Mary. I think I was able to utilize all my sensibility in performing that particular role, thanks to the Director KURIYAMA.
【The Role of Theatre in this Age】
Being overwhelmed by our daily chores, we tend to forget how we feel. I think Theatre is a place where you are able to escape momentarily from our daily lives and to experience what it means to be alive.
【Beauty of Drama】
One can experience the sparkle of being alive by watching any form of live performances such as Opera and Ballet. However, what is unique about drama performances is that drama is created by words and they are those words that touch people’s heart. That, I think, is the beauty of drama.