GreetingsMOGI Shichizaemon President of the Japan Arts Council

  This year marks the 20th anniversary of the New National Theatre, Tokyo (NNTT) which opened in October 1997 with the aim of promoting contemporary performing arts. It is entirely thanks to our audience and supporters that the NNTT has reached this milestone.
  In order to ensure a vibrant environment dedicated to the creation of contemporary performing arts, the management of the theater is entrusted to the New National Theatre Foundation. By doing so, the theater aims to embrace more fully the creativity of artists and various arts-related organizations.
  The main missions of the foundation are: to stage productions of opera, ballet, dance, drama, and other contemporary performing arts, to train artists and other professionals in the field, to conduct research, and to gather and utilize various data and information. The NNTT has so far staged more than 600 high-standard productions under Artistic Directors in opera, dance (including both ballet and contemporary dance), and drama, which have been attended by an audience of some 3.8 million in total. Meanwhile, 277 young artists have graduated from training courses in opera, ballet and drama, each of which encompasses a diverse curriculum, and is taught by highly experienced instructors from Japan and abroad. Graduates can be seen frequently both at the NNTT and in other parts of the world.
  2017/2018 will be the NNTT’s 20th anniversary season, and there will be a lot going on at the theater to commemorate this special event. I would greatly appreciate your continued support towards the NNTT in its endeavour to fulfil its aim.

President of the Japan Arts Council
MOGI Shichizaemon